Dr. Diana Olsen - Veterinarian

Dr. Diana Olsen grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and enjoyed the snow and changing seasons.

She enjoyed the hustle and bustle associated with being one of six kids in the family.

Dr. Olsen went to veterinary school at the University of Georgia and graduated in 1991. She practiced for six years in the Atlanta area before traveling and teaching ultrasound to veterinarians and clinics around the country for 2 years.

Dr. Olsen started her practice in 1999. She has performed laser surgery for tumor removals, declaws and soft palate resections, and other oral surgery since 1999. She has performed many challenging surgical procedures because of her skills and association with the internal medicine practice. Among those surgeries are patent ductus arteriosis closure, adrenal tumor removal (including removal of invasion into major vessels), liver lobe removal, lung lobe removal, bile duct rerouting (cholecystoduodenostomy), intestinal rerouting (bilroth), pericardectomy, thoracic duct ligation, laryngeal tie back, rectal tumor removal by eversion and prolapse.

Following completion of her five-course orthopedic surgery training at the University of Tennessee, she has performed many cruciate ligament repairs, patellar luxation stabilization, fracture platings and external fixators, and hip luxation repairs.

She enjoys surgery and the opportunity to make an immediate impact on her patient's quality of life.

Outside of the clinic, Dr. Olsen enjoys spending time with her husband Jory, and two daughters, Kayla and Jacqueline. Her other interests include running and tennis.
